イタリアアオスタ(ヘルブロンネル/ヴァレーブランシュ 1)
                                              2011.03.03  晴れ
Highslide JS
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Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
クレバスに落ちたときに引き上げるための○○を腰に付けて準備完了。 今回滑り降りるルート。
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
Highslide JS
This caption can be styled using CSS.
山岳ガイドのOkを得て、自由に滑ることが出来た唯一の斜面。 この斜面、滑りやすそうだが、自由滑走は禁止。クレバスが斜面下に潜んでいるため。